Now for the actual start of the main storyline. There'll be a few sort of "interlude" comics with the Dark Lord and the Creator, and then we'll get into the Rise of the Dark Lord. Which is pretty much what the comic is all about.
Enough of that. There is another topic of prime importance to this comic. That topic is, of course, what the @$#$ is wrong with the navigation buttons? They sometimes don't work right, sending you back three comics instead of one or stuff like that. I made cool looking arrows for them and tried to put them in, and it DIDN'T WORK. I dunno. Also, the site seems to show up differently on different computers. AS in, some of the changes I made don't show up on my computer but do on every other computer. Weird, eh?
On a totally different note, does anyone besides my brother feel the need for extra pages? Cast pages etc are what I am refering to.
Adam out.