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It seems the comic for Friday didn't come up. The little thing I wrote for it did, but the comic itself failed for some reason. This has put me in a bit of trouble--I've been using the Comicgenesis web-upload tool instead of an actual FTP to get the comics online, because I can't get my FTP working again (long story). And, despite a few hours of trying over the weekend, I still can't get it working. And I can't just post it on Monday or something--I was away over the weekend, so I put this week's comics in the auto-uploader earlier than usual. So we have a missing comic and there's apperantly nothing I can do about it. I'll try to figure this out.

-Adam out
UPDATE: I may have contrived a solution. If you're seeing a document labeled "Unit Test; War of the Five" then my solution has worked and the comic that was originally going to come up today will come up tomorrow instead. If not--back to the drawing board.

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